Adjuster License Transaction FAQs

Are you submitting an Adjuster license transaction and running into errors? This article walks through the most common issues that come up with Adjuster licensing and steps to resolve.

Click the error message below to jump to that section:


Got an error message that looks something like this "Fault occurred while processing. MISSING RESIDENT LICENSE" while queueing up a renewal or licensing transaction for an Adjuster? Here's what to do:

Step 1: Navigate to your agent's Producer Detail Record record by typing their name in the Global Search Bar at the top of your screen

Step 2: Click the name of your producer with the label Producer Detail under the name

AgentSync Tip: You can also navigate to the Producer Detail Record by clicking the View button in the Manage Producer Detail Record section on the Contact record.



Step 3: In the Biographic Information on the Producer Detail Record, double-check what is listed under Agent Type.

Step 4: If both Producer and Adjuster are selected, you will need to remove Producer from your Agent Type. You can do so by hitting Manage Details, selecting the Producer Agent Type, move it over to Available, and press Save & Next. If there are no other changes to be made, you can close out of the preview by clicking the X.


You will now be able to re-queue up that renewal or license transaction.

If you see this message again for an agent without a designated home state, take a look at their agent type to confirm that they do not have both producer and adjuster listed.

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Fault occurred while processing. Error when validating input: The license id does not exist on PDB.

You will receive this error message if your adjuster has their Resident License information populated in the Designated Home State fields on the Producer Detail Record. Because the DHS license is different than the Resident License, having the R License data in the DHS fields causes the error. 

To resolve this error, use the following steps:

Step 1: Navigate to your agent's Producer Detail Record record by typing their name in the Global Search Bar at the top of your screen

Step 2: Click the name of your producer with the label Producer Detail under the name

AgentSync Tip: You can also navigate to the Producer Detail Record by clicking the View button in the Manage Producer Detail Record section on the Contact record.


Step 3: In the Biographic Information on the Producer Detail Record, double-check if the DHS fields are filled in with the Resident License information. 


Step 4: There are two possible next steps if the DHS information matches the Resident License information:

  1. If the Agent has both a Resident License and a DHS License: Update the DHS information by clicking Manage Details. Delete the R License information and manually add in the DHS information.
  2. If the Agent only has a Resident License (and no DHS License): Delete the DHS information by clicking Manage Details and manually deleting the data.

Step 5: Click Save & Next. If no other information needs updating, you may X out of the Manage Details box. 

Still have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to us at!


Needs Attention: Review Line of Authority Requirements before submission

This Validation Error ensures the person submitting the transaction takes a look at the LOAs before pushing through the transaction to NIPR. After the transaction finishes processing, it will go into a status of Needs Attention and have a Validation Error reading: REVIEW: Review Line of Authority Requirements before submission. There will also be a list of LOAs that should be reviewed. Follow the steps below to complete the transaction:

Step 1: From the NIPR Transaction Batch page, click the blue transaction link labeled GT-XXXXXXXX

Step 2: Scroll down to the related list labeled NIPR Transaction Lines of Authority

Step 3: Click the down arrow on the line in the NIPR Transaction Lines of Authority section that you wish to include on the license and click Edit

Step 4: Manually check the box labeled Include and click Save

Step 5: Scroll up on the transaction record and edit the Status field by clicking the pencil icon. Change the status to Ready to Submit

Step 6: Navigate back to the batch by clicking the Gateway Batch number labeled GB-XXXXXXXX

Step 7: Select the transaction row and click Submit Transaction

That's it! The transaction should now go into a status of Pending State Approval. For more information on what each status means, click here for more details! 

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