How Do I Bulk Onboard Producers?

Onboarding producers one-by-one is great, until you have a large hiring class. This article walks you through how to upload your producers in bulk.


AgentSync Tip: You can also bulk upload producers with producer assignments following the instructions here.

Step 1: Navigate to the AgentSync CSV Import object in Manage

AgentSync Tip: Not seeing the tab? Try clicking the 9-dot box in the top left corner of the page and searching there!

Step 2: From the Select an Upload type dropdown, select Agent

Step 3: Click the blue here link in the description to download the CSV template that must be used for the upload

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Step 4: Add the following information for each of your producers:

  • Agency NPN
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Agent NPN
  • Agent Email (optional)
  • Agent SSN (optional)

AgentSync Tip: Does your agency record not have an NPN?  Simply input a dummy NPN onto your account record and on the agency NPN line.

AgentSync Tip: The other fields such as email, LOA category, states, scorecard type, and agent type are optional, Some of these fields are used when creating Producer Assignments during the upload. Interested in adding Producer Assignments to your bulk upload? Click here to jump to the instructions! 

Step 5: After all the data is entered into the template, save the document as a CSV file

Step 6: Navigate back to the AgentSync CSV Import tab in Manage

Step 7: Click the Upload Files button and upload the CSV file you just saved

Step 8: Click Parse 1 File

AgentSync Tip: You may see a page that looks scary saying that your document has tons of errors.  It is likely because the uploader is reading the blank rows.  If the errors are related to blank rows, simply minimize the rows with errors screen.

Step 9: Click Process Rows to upload agents

You did it!  Now that your agents are added, they are synced with NIPR and you will receive daily updates for these producers.


Watch a video of this process here!