Terminating Multiple Producer Appointments in Bulk

Follow these steps to efficiently terminate multiple appointments using Manage.

The Bulk Termination process in Manage allows you to efficiently submit multiple producer appointments at once, significantly reducing the time and effort involved in managing these submissions.  Let's watch a quick video on how bulk termination process works:

How to get your data in a customized report: 

Step 1: Before initiating the termination process, it's essential to export the required appointment data from Manage.  To do this, navigate to the Reports tab (if you don't see it, remember to check under the More button).

Helpful Tip: Using a report ensures the data in your file matches the data in Manage exactly, but you can also manually fill in a CSV Template. To download it, click here.

Step 2: Click New Report in the top right corner.

Step 3: There is a list of categories that defaults to "Recently Used."  Select All and type Producer Licensing with Carrier Appointments

Step 4: Click Producer Licensing with Carrier Appointments and the Start Report button.

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Step 5: Remove Producer Licensing: Producer Licensing Name and Carrier Appointment: Carrier Appointment from the columns by clicking the X next to each line.

Step 6: In the Add column box, add the following columns in this exact order from the Carrier Appointment: info section (NOT Producer Licensing: info):

  • NPN
  • State Code
  • LOA Categories
  • CoCode

Step 7: Click over to the Filters tab.

Step 8: Change the Show Me filter from My producer licensing --> All producer licensing and then click Apply.

Step 9: In the Add filters box, add the following filters to your report:

  • CoCode - equals - (your company CoCode)
  • Status - equals - Appointed
  • LOA Categories - equals - (the LOAs you wish to terminate)
  • State Code - equals - (the states you wish to terminate)

Helpful Tip: Not sure what your CoCode is? Click here to learn how to navigate to your Company record to find it. 

Step 10: Click Run in the top right corner. 

Helpful Tip: If you want to know how to save a report (and other reporting functionality), click here to learn more!

Step 11: In the top right corner of your report, click the down arrow next to Edit.

Step 12: Click Export.

Step 13: Ensure that Details Only is selected and change the format to Comma Delimited .csv and click Export.

Step 14: Open the CSV file and save it to your computer. 

Helpful Tip: You can add multiple states for multiple appointments as long as the states are split by a semicolon and no space.

How to complete the bulk termination process:

Step 1: Return to Manage and click on the App Launcher, the 9-dotted box located in the top left corner.

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Step 2: In the App Launcher search bar, type AgentSync CSV Import and click AgentSync CSV Import under the Items category or In the search bar or click on the More drop-down menu (located in towards the upper-right corner) and select  AgentSync CSV Import out of the menu.

Step 3: In the Select Upload Type drop down, select Terminate.

Step 4: Click the blue 'here' link in the description to download the required CSV template for upload.

Step 5: From the exported report, copy: the Agent NPN, State(s), LOA Category, and Carrier CoCode(s) into the exported template. 

Step 6: Enter in the Termination Reason Code that aligns with each producer's appointment.  You can find the Termination Reason Codes listed on the termination_reason_key tab of the template. 

Helpful Tip: Not all termination reasons are accepted by every state, so verify which reasons are allowed as you prepare your termination spreadsheet. Be sure to check out our Compliance Library for a state-by-state reference.

Helpful Tip: You can set up default Termination Reason Codes and use those default reasons by leaving the Termination_Reason column blank. To set up default codes by state, reach out to support@agentsync.io.

Step 7: Delete the tabs labeled accepted_values and termination_reason_key from the template. 

Step 8: Save the template as a CSV file.

Step 9: Return to the AgentSync CSV Import tool in Manage.

Step 10: Click the Upload Files button on the Import page and upload your CSV

Step 11: Click Parse 1 file

Please Note: You no longer need to specify not_applicable as a requested category for bulk terminations if the existing appointment has a blank or not_applicable LOA. Any requested LOA Category will terminate these appointments, as only one exists in these states. While not_applicable is still an accepted value, using it will not trigger an error.

Step 12: Click Submit "x" Transactions. You can submit your transactions immediately, or create multiple batches.  Creating multiple batches allows for secondary review before submission. 

Helpful Tip: By default, submissions will not be sent to NIPR right away. To submit immediately, click Immediately Submit to NIPR before pressing the Submit Transactions button. 

Are you terminating this producer? If so, check out this article that walks through all off-boarding steps!

A special note about the travel Agent Type and LOA Category

The Bulk Terminations import tool now supports travel Agent Type and LOA Category.  Always include the major line(s) that encompass travel, personal_lines, or surety unless there is an explicit appointment for those categories to ensure the correct appointments are terminated:

  1. Bulk Termination now supports the travcel LOA Category, which has been added to the Accepted Values tab.
  2. If travel, personal_lines, or surety are requested without an explicit appointment for those categories, the corresponding appointment will be terminated.
  3. If travel, personal_lines, or surety are requested without an explicit appointment for those categories, the bulk termination tool will respond with: Requested category not found for the state.  This means you must also request the major line(s) that include these categories.

Have questions?  Let us know at support@agentsync.io