This article walks through the steps you can take to help your user's and agent's get logged into Manage.
Are you experiencing log in issues? You are not alone. With the various Salesforce domains, we receive quite a few emails about log in issues. Before you reset your or your agent's password, here are some troubleshooting tips:
- Double Check Your Password: Because the password field is encrypted, the best first step is to try to log in again to ensure the password was entered correctly.
- Check the Domain of the Account: Most AgentSync accounts have a domain of "your company". For example, AgentSync's domain would be: Double check the domain to ensure you are not attempting to log into
AgentSync Tip: If you are working in a Sandbox, the domain will be different than your main Production domain. You may need to check with a colleague or your initial email invitation to the Sandbox to confirm the domain.
- Check Your Username: Each user and agent is provided with a unique user name upon registration. The process of finding this username differs slightly:
- Your Username: This can be found in the initial email you received from AgentSync when setting up your account. Search your inbox for the email to confirm your username. If you cannot find the email, reach out to for assistance.
- Your Agent's Username: Navigate to the agent's Contact record. In the top right corner, click View Customer User. Scroll to find the Username field to find the agent's user name.
- Reset Password: Once all of the above measures have been taken, the next step is to reset your or the agent's password.
- Reset Your Password: Reach out to the AgentSync Support team at for to have an AgentSync representative initiate the password reset.
- Reset Your Agent's Password: Use the same steps as you would to find your agent's username. At the top of the page, click Reset Password. The agent will receive an email with a link to create a new password.
AgentSync Tip: Want to read the full article on resetting an agent's password? Click here to continue!
Did Your Agent Not Receive the Password Reset Email?
In addition to confirming the steps above (confirming domain, password & username), verify the email associated with the user is correct by selecting View Customer User on your agent's Contact record and checking the email. AgentSync Support can do this for you, if you find yourself locked out too!
Still having issues? Email your admin or for further assistance