Understanding Statuses

Learn about the different status fields within Manage and their meanings.

Are you trying to sync an NPN and are not sure what the Queued status means? Have you ever been confused by the Line of Authority Status on your Scorecard or Quick Appoint screen? Or maybe you aren't sure what the Action Required status means on your transaction. Well, you're in the right place! Click below to jump to the section that you need:

Are you looking to translate an error message? Click here to view our error messages article!

NIPR / NPN Status on a Contact, User or Account Record

The NIPR status field usually says Success, but you may find a time where you need to troubleshoot a message that says otherwise. This section walks through what the various NIPR Status messages mean in Manage.

Status Definition Action Required?
Not Started The Producer record does not contain an NPN

Input NPN, if applicable

Processing The sync is initiated with NIPR and data should be populated shortly Resync if processing is longer than 2 minutes. NOTE: If syncing a firm with a large amount of data, this can take longer than 2 minutes
NIPR Timeout NIPR Timeout Error is caused by a brief NIPR downtime Resync the NPN. If the error persists, reach out to support@agentsync.io and we can reach out to NIPR
NIPR Error This error occurs during NIPR outages Resync the NPN. If the error persists, reach out to support@agentsync.io and we can reach out to NIPR
Apex Processing Error This tends to happen for larger agencies with large amounts of data (beyond the Apex processing limits) Resync the NPN. If the error persists, reach out to support@agentsync.io and we can reach out to NIPR
Retry Error This status rarely occurs, but when it does it's due to multiple integrations happening at once Resync the NPN. If the error persists, reach out to support@agentsync.io and we can reach out to NIPR
Success The producer is successfully synced with NIPR No action needed
Success - No Licenses NIPR doesn't have a Resident License on the PDB for the producer Resync the NPN. If the error persists, reach out to support@agentsync.io and we can reach out to NIPR
Queued In scenarios of bulk uploads, producers may be queued due to high activity between AgentSync Manage and NIPR Resync the NPN if processing is longer than 2 minutes. NOTE: If uploading a firm with a large amount of data, this can take longer than 2 minutes
Invalid NPN The NPN was not found in the NIPR database Confirm the NPN is correct. If not, edit the NPN
Invalid NPN - FIRM A firm NPN was entered on an Individual producer's record Confirm NPN was entered on the account record and/or confirm the NPN is correct
Invalid NPN - INDIVIDUAL The individual NPN was entered on a Firm producer's record Confirm NPN was entered on either the contact or user record and/or confirm the NPN is correct. NOTE: This may happen in cases of onboarding sole proprietors. If the NPN belongs to the individual onboarding must be completed on the contact or user record



Status of a Submitted Transaction (License, Appointment or Termination)

Unsure what Needs Attention, Pending State Approval, or Action Required mean for your producer's license? These messages come from the Producer Database (PDB). This section will walk through some of the messages you might encounter.

Status       Transaction Status Definitions
Approved The license, appointment or termination request is approved by the state.  However, this does not mean that a new license, appointment, or termination has been issued just yet - the new license, appointment, or termination must be issued by the state and then submitted to NIPR. However, it should be issued shortly. No further action is needed by you in this status. 
Action Required Some states require documentation submitted when new licenses are applied for. Does the state request citizenship information or additional information? Perhaps your agent or producer has a background check question that requires verification. This message serves as a reminder to submit that documentation. In some cases, the transaction will need to be closed and resubmitted, so be sure to read the Status Detail when Action Required occurs. 
Needs Attention This indicates that the transaction did not go through successfully. Maybe certain information is blank, or you submitted a duplicate transaction. You will see this quick Needs Attention status to remind you to take a look and resubmit. 
Pending Response This generally indicates that there is an issue with the NIPR Gateway, so the transaction cannot be submitted. This status is not common, but when it occurs please reach out to support@agentsync.io for assistance. 
Pending State Approval The transaction has been sent to the state for review. Once the license or appointment is approved, a new license or appointment will be issued. Once the termination is approved, the existing appointment will be terminated. No further action is needed by you in this status. 

This status will com up in two scenarios:

  1. The transaction has been created and Manage is performing an initial eligibility check. Once the check is complete, the status will either update to Ready to Submit, Not Eligible or Eligibility Error.
  2. The transaction has been submitted and we are waiting on a response from NIPR on whether or not the transaction was successful. The status will either update to Pending State Approval, Needs Attention, or Action Required.

The amount of time that a transaction will stay in processing depends on the number of transactions in the batch. The larger the batch, the longer the processing time. 

If you feel the transaction is stuck in processing, click here for troubleshooting steps.

Ready to Submit The transaction has passed Manage's initial eligibility check is ready to be submitted to NIPR and the state. Continue with the submission process to push this transaction through to NIPR and the state.


See a status of Not Eligible or Eligibility Error? Click here to access this exclusive AgentSync Customer Content and learn what this means. 



Line of Authority Status

When transacting in AgentSync Manage, you may encounter a Line of Authority Status you are unfamiliar with. This section walks through what the different statuses mean.


Status                  Line of Authority(s) Status Definitions


There is an existing license not in a renewal period.  If all LOA categories are active, no action is required by the customer.  Additionally, the scorecard includes LOA categories that are inherently held based on other lines of authority held by the producer (ex: holding a health line in GA inherently means that the producer holds a travel line)


There is an existing active LOA that is in a renewal, late renewal, or reinstatement period.  The customer is able to renew the LOAs with the renewal status.


The LOA category on an existing active license is no longer active.  


There is no existing license in the state or the existing active license does not include the listed LOA category.  The row is actionable to add the missing LOA.


The customer submitted a transaction for the listed LOA.  

Rule Inactive*

Renewal Licensing only.  The key to AgentSync’s automation are the gateway business rules.  Usually configured during implementation, these rules dictate which line of authorities are turned on or off for each state depending on where you do or do not license or appoint an AgentSync.  End users can identify when a gateway rule is turned off when the LOA status is “rule inactive” for that specific LOA category when applying for a renewal.  If the line is turned off, the customer can reach out to AgentSync support to turn the requested line back on.

No Match*

If a customer seeks to add a line of authority to an existing license and that line of authority does not exist for that license class, the LOA status will be no match.  This could be because NIPR does not support this license type or the state does not license for this specific LOA and license class combination.  Customers will have the option to apply for a “no match” LOA as a new license, in the case that there may be a match for a different license class.