"Not Eligible" or "Eligibility Error" Status

Learn about the "Not Eligible" or "Eligibility Error" status and how to resolve these issues.

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Status vs. Status Detail

When submitting transactions in AgentSync, there should be both a Status (2) and a Status Detail (1) on the record to indicate whether or not the transaction was successful. The status shows just that - the status of that particular transaction. If your transaction is not eligible, you will see a status of Not Eligible or Eligibility Error in this field. The status detail provides additional information as to why the status is what it is. 


This article mainly refers to the Status Detail (1) of a transaction. For information on what other statuses mean, click here to learn more. 

Where can I find the details on the transaction? 

When submitting a license, appointment or termination transaction in Manage, you may receive an error that indicates that the transaction is not eligible for a variety of reasons. To understand what is causing your transaction to fail, you can check in one of two places:

  • The Status Detail section on the NIPR Transaction Batch

AgentSync Tip: Is your Status Detail Message too long to read? Try clicking the down arrow in the box and select Wrap Text to view more of the message.

  • The Processing Messages section on the NIPR Transaction object. The message may be in any of the fields: NIPR Message, Validation Errors or NIPR Rejection Response. 

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What does each Status Detail mean?

Below is a list of the most common Status Details and what they might mean:

  • Not Eligible: The NIPR Response indicates the agent is not eligible for this type of transactions. This could mean one of three things:
    • This transaction could not be allowed based on the transaction state rules or the state rules of your resident state. Confirm by checking the NIPR state rules.
    • Is this an entity? The state that you are applying for may not support the type of transaction that you are creating for entities.
    • Your Agent's CE is incomplete. Check their CE credits here.
  • Not Eligible: No Matches were found in the NIPR Response. This could be one two things:
    • You may remember during implementation this exercise where each licensing admin walked through the lines of authority that your company does and does not transact in. This process is detailed, messy, and occasionally specific lines are missed. Email support@agentsync.io and we can turn the line back on.
    • This transaction may not be supported through NIPR. Check the NIPR State Rules website to confirm.
  • Eligibility Error: Authentication Failed. 
    • This is related to your NIPR credentials and you must reset your password. Follow the instructions detailed here: How to Reset your NIPR Credentials. OEM Customers: reach out to support@agentsync.io ASAP to get this taken care of.
  • Eligibility Error: 404 Error OR 405 Error.
    • This is another NIPR Password related issue. Reach out to support@agentsync.io ASAP to get this taken care of.
  • Action Required: After your license has been issued but PRIOR to representing a business entity, you must be affiliated. If you enter affiliation data on this application, Washington will not use the data. Affiliations must be completed by the business entity on the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner’s website
    https://fortress.wa.gov/oic/onlineservices/Login.aspx?module=LSE (100031).
    • This one is particularly baffling for customers, especially if you have already done the steps detailed in this message. This is Washington’s auto-response, meaning that you will receive this message no matter what. We recommend that you just confirm that you completed the steps that WA asks. If so, you are free to disregard!

Still unable to determine the root cause of this message?  Email us at support@agentsync.io and we are happy to help troubleshoot!

Want to learn about these state rules in a video? Click here to access this exclusive AgentSync Customer Content!