Understanding BENA and Your Agency's BENA Number

Find out what a Business Entity Name Approval (BENA) is and how to obtain yours.

What is a BENA Number?

A business entity wishing to transact in California or Massachusetts must submit an application to get their name approved. This ensures that a proposed name does not interfere or is too similar to a name that is already approved. Additionally, this prevents the consumer from being misled (i.e. if a name shares too close of a resemblance to a name of another well-known company). When your Business Entity Name is approved, you will receive a confirmation number which you will be asked to provide when applying for new California or Massachusetts licenses.

When Do I Need to Know My Agency's BENA Number?

When applying for new agency licenses in California and/or Massachusetts, you may be asked to include your agency's BENA number. This is asked as a question in your Agency's producer detail record.

How Do I Request a BENA Number?

To request a BENA number, please check out the following links:

AgentSync Tip: It can be a bit challenging to get your BENA number in Massachusetts, so we recommending calling the one of the contacts listed on the Producer Licensing Staff Contacts list on the MA link above. 

When Do I Fill Out the BENA Number on My Agency Producer Detail Record?

When completing your entity's Producer Detail Record, you will be prompted to answer a series of state-specific questions for your entity, including asking for your agency's BENA number. You can learn how to fill out your entity's Producer Detail Record and state-specific questions here.

What if the BENA Number Does Not Apply to Me?

Does your agency already hold an existing Massachusetts or California license? Feel free to leave the question asking for the BENA number blank!