Discover what it means when your transactions are stuck in a "Processing" status and how to address the issue.
When submitting any type of transaction in Manage (License, Appointment and/or Termination), it will go into a status of Processing () before showing Pending State Approval (or any other status). In most cases, the status will automatically update after a few minutes, but what happens if your transaction won't update? Review the below information to ensure the transaction is successfully submitted to NIPR.
How Many Transactions are in the Batch?
The number of transactions in a batch will impact the amount of time the batch takes to process. The larger the batch, the longer the processing time. Below are AgentSync's general guidelines on whether or not the transactions are stuck in processing:
- Less than 10 Transactions: Smaller batches that have 1-9 transactions included shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to full process.
- 10 or More Transactions: Larger batches with 10+ transactions may take up to 30 minutes to fully process.
If after the above times have passed and the transactions are still sitting in Processing, read on!
Has the Page Been Refreshed?
In most cases, the Status field will automatically update from Processing to the new status with no additional action needed. However, it's always a best practice to do a hard refresh of the internet browser if you believe the Status might be stuck in Processing.
If the hard refresh does not update the transaction status, the next step would be to close out the transaction and resubmit it.
Be sure to close the transaction stuck in processing before submitting a new transaction. Leaving the transaction open will cause duplicate records to be created. For instructions on how to close a transactions, click here!
If you have any questions or concerns about the above steps, reach out to for further assistance.